Be Fit Archives - Page 8 of 8 - Synergy Chiropractic

Is Your Sleep Position Affecting Your Spine?

Be Fit

Eight hours of sleep (a third of your day) is what most health-care professionals suggest for their patients.  Does it matter what position you sleep in, as long as you sleep?  Definitely!  After a night of improper sleep posture, spinal bones can become misaligned (subluxated).

Some people sleep on their stomachs, while others sleep on their side or back.  The optimum sleep position is back-to-mattress, with the head and neck cradled in a cervical pillow.  The goal is to keep the spine as close to its normal alignment as possible, and sleeping on your back keeps your hips aligned evenly.  When the curves are over-exaggerated or reversed, you risk structural shifts in your spine (vertebral subluxations) and related disorders such as arthritis.

Sleeping on your stomach is the worst position for your spine because it torques the spine of the neck, reversing the normal curve, and forces rotation. It can also cause arm pain because it’s not unusual for a stomach sleeper to extend one arm over or under a pillow.  The pain, not surprisingly, is connected to the over-stretching of the arm throughout the night.  This prolonged position restricts the blood supply to the rotator cuff, which is a contributing factor to shoulder impingement.

Curiously though, sleeping on your stomach has been shown to alleviate sleep apnea.  So what to do?  Best thing is to get onto your side or back.  If you are a chronic stomach sleeper (I was for years), wedge a body pillow under your chest and work to be on an angle versus directly on your stomach.

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5 Steps to Turning Your Resolutions into a Reality

Be FitEat RightThink Well

5 Steps to Turning Your Resolutions into a Reality

So here it is – January 1st, 2017!

I don’t know about you but the new year always brings a new sense of excitement doesn’t it? I mean, maybe you set out some goals for yourself for the new year. Well – how are you doing with them? As many of you know – it takes 40 days to make and sustain a habit.  Well let’s take some time to focus, commit and make it happen.

So here are the 5 steps to make it happen – to literally make your resolutions a reality!

1) Why
Everything in life begins with WHY, as in why we do, what we do. This is what drives us to take action OR not take action. This is what motivates us to get out of bed or not get out of bed each morning. And this is the reason we make a change or don’t make a change. Therefore, the first Secret to having your New Year’s Resolutions become a reality is to understand WHY you want it manifest in the first place? Why did you decide to make “what this is” your goal? Is it for YOU or is it because of societal or familial pressures? Maybe you want to do this for someone else. Have you attempted to pursue this endeavor in the past and why did it work or not work? Why do you do, what you do?

Take time to write our your why now. Write the following on the top of a fresh page of paper. “I want to _____, because___________.

Maybe you want to lose weight. Maybe you really want to make this happen so you can be ready for that summer wedding, or because your health is important. Maybe you want to get into shape for a hiking trip. What ever it is for you. Write it down now. When you physically write it out, your likelihood to make it happen goes up ten-fold.

Why is at the core of your existence and the foundation of ALL ACTIONs, therefore, once you define your WHY, the next secret will come into play.

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Will I Be A Healthy Senior?

Be FitThink Well

She’s not a senior she’s my mom!   Part of my regular routine now involves looking after my mom and it’s not so much “caring for her” as it is “caring about her” and it’s turning out to be quite fun!  It’s also making me pay attention to my own health in a new way.  How do I see myself as a senior? Let’s face it, ain’t none of us getting any younger!

Do you think of what it’s going to be like when you’re a senior?  I know I didn’t.  But now I’m planning, learning, asking about the future in a very new way.  Is the advice and care that is given seniors the best it can be and do I believe it is the only way?  Can I (you) be a better advocate?  These are new waters and I am approaching it with an open mind but a firm heart.  After all this is my Mom we’re talking about!

A day in a seniors life

  • Community Living
  • The day to day
  • Navigating a medical mindfield
  • Having fun

A few years ago my mom decided to move into a senior’s residence.  We (the family) thought it was a great idea. It’s a lovely residence with community rooms, activities, outings and a well balanced meal plan.  But that same community brings it’s own challenges.  So many people in close quarters sharing not only their stories but their struggles and of course their illnesses.

So many medications, so many aids.  It becomes a dialogue about what’s wrong and not about what’s right.

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What’s your cold/flu fighting plan?

Be FitThink WellGet Adjusted


Do you have a cold flu fighting strategy?  I’m going to admit it! I’m one of those people who always gets a good old cold, often several a winter and ones that like to stick around!

So this cold season I’m taking action!  It’s more than just proactive, I mean business.  I have set about making myself a plan that is focused on being

Put cold and flu season to rest

cold/flu free! There is so much information available on colds and flus, what not to do and what to do.  What’s true?  What’s bogus?  I think it really depends on the individual.  There are so many factors: gender, age, medications, lifestyle, physical activity and public exposure, to name a few.

So here’s my plan!

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