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My Dad (please read)

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I wrote this blog 4 years ago on the one year anniversary of losing my dad to cancer. On the eve of the 5 year anniversary, I share it with you again with some parts added but the message remaining the same. As we enter Father’s Day weekend, I urge you to think about your Dad or your kids, as their father, and remember that everything you do in life is important, that it matters, and that it has influence on those closest to us. Take care of yourself so your family gets the best side of you. If I could have him back, I would in a heartbeat, but I know he is in a good place and that he is always with me.

My Dad

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Is Your “Lawn” Healthy?

Think Well

Seems like Spring has taken forever to get here, but it has arrived and that means lawn maintenance.

On any given Saturday morning, you can hear the buzz of a lawnmower outside.  People are planting their gardens and busy landscaping their yards.  It’s great to see all the kids playing out on the street and in the fields.  After a long winter it’s certainly a welcomed change.

I’m busy trying to get my lawn in shape for the summer.  The grubs took their toll on it last

Lawn Health

Healthy Lawn Requires Certain Things

year and now I’ve got dead spots scattered all over.  So I’m doing the top soil and grass seed thing.  I’ve become “that guy” who has neon pink ribbons around his lawn to keep the kids off.  Actually, I’m a harbinger of sorts it seems…three others on the street have followed suit.

The whole process got me thinking about the similarities of getting a healthy lawn and one’s personal health.  It seems that most anything I look at reminds of health in some way, shape or form.  Have you ever thought about health in terms of your lawn?

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Female Caregiver? Exhausted?

Think WellGet Adjusted

In the month of May we celebrate the women in our lives!  We are the natural caregiver, the mothers, daughters, friends, givers.  Always ready to lend a hand, cook a meal, share a celebration and a go to when the chips are down.   As providers of the majority of informal care to spouses, parents, parents-in-law, friends and neighbors, we play many roles while caregiving—hands-on health provider, care manager, friend, companion, surrogate decision-maker and advocate.  Always giving but is the expectation too much?

I know speaking from experience that the last few months as caregiver to my Mom has been a roller coaster of poor sleep, fast food, missed work, many miles in my car and always checking the phone for messages.  Not to mention an emotional roller coaster.  I’m exhausted!

The health consequences on our caregivers is heavy.  Problems such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, susceptibility to every little cold and flu and even major immune breakdowns such as shingles and pneumonia.  As workforce participation increases, caregiving could pose even greater financial challenges for many women workers, due mostly to lost wages from reduced work hours, time out of the workforce, missed promotions, family leave or early retirement.

But it’s not all doom and gloom!  After all, like most of you I wouldn’t leave my moms care up to just anybody.  We have a big, beautiful, loving, family willing to help.  I just need to ask.   And I do work at a pretty cool place with health resources to keep me on track.  Again, I can’t hide from the fact that I too need some care.

Here’s what this caregiver uses to help me through;

  1. Let’s start with the obvious.  Getting adjusted!  I know from first hand experience that it helps stabilize my emotions.  My physical body was trembling with anxiety and my state of mind was laughing hysterically at the silliness.   Within minutes of the adjustment I was calming down.  And it has helped me get some much needed sleep.
  2. Food.  Well…. Lets just say they can put the calorie count on all their drive thru boards.  It doesn’t make the choices any better. Keeping a stash of nuts, fruit and bottled water in my car has saved me several times!
  3. Sleep.  On the nights when it is not my friend… I try not to freak out and adjust my following day accordingly.  I have had to cancel many obligations and social outings that I just wasn’t prepared to be happy at!  My friends understand.
  4. ASK FOR HELP!  A good friend reminded me that it’s ok to say “I’m not ok”  I have a great group of family and friends but I have to let them know when and how I need them.  Don’t be shy.

So if you know a caregiver, ask how you can help! And if you are one remember, sometimes the caregiver needs to be taken care of!



After seeking chiropractic help in her twenty’s for the usual (and expected –or so I thought) lower back issues that go with horseback riding, she experienced a new level of health. Not only has she made chiropractic a regular part of her life but she has made a commitment to changing her lifestyle and coaches others how to do the same. She is an avid outdoors person. You can find her walking her beagle, biking, painting and drinking great coffee. Her true passion is riding horses and has been a competitive rider/jumper for years.

Yes, I’m Pregnant – How You Can Survive it Too! | Kanata Chiropractor

Be FitEat RightThink WellGet Adjusted

WOMEN. Mothers, sisters, daughters, friends, moms-to-be, inspirational female leaders, female caretakers… we all deserve to be celebrated. That’s why this month at Synergy is Women’s Health Month. We celebrate and appreciate all the women in our lives, by encouraging them to embrace and take control of their own health. Often times women are the glue of the household, and need to be in the best health for ourselves and everyone else who counts on us. Take time to care for YOU first! Start by joining us at Synergy on Tuesday May 16th for our LADIES NIGHT! Not only will we have drinks, food and good company, we also welcome guest speaker Dr. Nathalie Beauchamp who will be discussing all things HORMONES! Her talk, Happy Hormones – Happy You, will tackle issues such as adrenal fatigue, sluggish thyroid, sex hormones, and weight loss issues. Get your tickets NOW:

Speaking of hormones, it’s not much of a secret anymore. If you’ve seen me in the office, you know something is very different. You may have wondered, you may have come right out and asked. The truth is, yes, I’m pregnant. My husband and I are very excited to be expecting our little girl in July. Embarking on this new journey has increased my appreciation for pregnant women and moms in general. I’ve learned a lot these past 7 months, what to do, what not to do, and basically how to survive the biggest roller coaster you’ve encountered thus far.

Here are my top 5 “tips” to feel great pregnant

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